Tomatis® Maestro - Listening Packs

Set up


Everything you need


to get started today!

1 x loop of Tomatis® at home +
Maestro headset

📅Pack supports 7.5 weeks of listening

‘LIGHT’ PACK total £1,324

Set up fee

+ £494

for a second loop

2 x loops of Tomatis® at home +
Maestro headset

📅Pack supports 15 weeks of listening

‘STANDARD’ PACK total £1,792

Set up fee and second loop

+ £468

for a third loop

3 x loops of Tomatis® at home +
Maestro headset

📅Pack supports 22.5 weeks of listening

New client pack. Equivalent to 📅7.5 weeks of programmed listening plus full support.

Light pack. New client set up with 5% off a second loop. Equivalent to 📅15 weeks of programmed listening plus reviews and full support.

Standard pack. New client set up with 5% off a second loop and 10% off the third loop. Equivalent to 📅22.5 weeks of programmed listening plus reviews and full support.

Family/partner discount available. 75% off any Tomatis® at home plan for 1 x additional member of the same household. Price from £207.50

What is included?

The Tomatis® Maestro protocol is 14 days of Intensive listening over 18 days (5 days listening, 2 rest days, repeat) followed by 5 weeks Consolidation (3 days per week shorter listening sessions). Audio vocal work with the microphone is included where appropriate. This loop is typically repeated 3 times (Standard plan).

  • New client set up. One off set-up session for new clients. Face-to-face coaching and informal screening (optional via zoom).

  • Home visit. I am usually able to do a home visit depending on location.

  • Tomatis® Maestro headphones. Listening sessions in your own home via your personal Maestro headphones.

A tailored pack of resources to support your listening sessions is provided FREE of charge for ALL new clients.

Prices exclude travel expenses. For London (inside M25) I do not charge travel expenses.

Additional screening options

  • Mandatory Tomatis® TEQ screening questionnaire for ALL ages. Request here

    The TEQ is a comprehensive questionnaire designed to assess a client’s suitability for the Tomatis® Method of auditory stimulation. Responses are used, with other considerations, to generate a unique Tomatis® listening programme catering to individual needs.

    PLUS Initial information gathering (all ages) via WhatsApp, email or optional telephone call.

  • The following formal assessments are optional but they may be recommended to fine tune the screening process. Options are as follows:

    (1) Motor Sensory Integration (MSI). Retained primitive reflexes. Cognitive (Educational) skills. Sound and vision.

    Remote option possible. Includes written report. 2 hours. £240


    (2) Tomatis® Listening Test for ages 6 years+ & recommended for most adults. In person only. 1 hour. £60

    Please note for MSI assessment option: You will receive a written report as a PDF via email with an easy to follow plan for motor sensory integration (MSI).

    A tailored pack of resources to support your listening is provided FREE of charge for ALL new clients.

    • Repeat Tomatis® TEQ screening questionnaire for ALL ages. FREE

    • Tomatis® Listening Test review. In person only. 1 hour. £60

  • Further consultations cost £60. Price per hour.

    If you are not ready to start a sound and listening therapy programme, there are options for screening services and professional support.

    See here for formal individualised assessment (including the Tomatis® Listening Test). If you are considering an assessment for you or someone you know, please contact to arrange a suitable date and location.