Tomatis® Maestro - Listening Packs
Set up
Everything you need
to get started today!
1 x loop of Tomatis® at home +
Maestro headset
📅Pack supports 7.5 weeks of listening
‘LIGHT’ PACK total £1,324
Set up fee
+ £494
for a second loop
2 x loops of Tomatis® at home +
Maestro headset
📅Pack supports 15 weeks of listening
‘STANDARD’ PACK total £1,792
Set up fee and second loop
+ £468
for a third loop
3 x loops of Tomatis® at home +
Maestro headset
📅Pack supports 22.5 weeks of listening
New client pack. Equivalent to 📅7.5 weeks of programmed listening plus full support.
Light pack. New client set up with 5% off a second loop. Equivalent to 📅15 weeks of programmed listening plus reviews and full support.
Standard pack. New client set up with 5% off a second loop and 10% off the third loop. Equivalent to 📅22.5 weeks of programmed listening plus reviews and full support.
Family/partner discount available. 75% off any Tomatis® at home plan for 1 x additional member of the same household. Price from £207.50
What is included?
The Tomatis® Maestro protocol is 14 days of Intensive listening over 18 days (5 days listening, 2 rest days, repeat) followed by 5 weeks Consolidation (3 days per week shorter listening sessions). Audio vocal work with the microphone is included where appropriate. This loop is typically repeated 3 times (Standard plan).
New client set up. One off set-up session for new clients. Face-to-face coaching and informal screening (optional via zoom).
Home visit. I am usually able to do a home visit depending on location.
Tomatis® Maestro headphones. Listening sessions in your own home via your personal Maestro headphones.
A tailored pack of resources to support your listening sessions is provided FREE of charge for ALL new clients.
Prices exclude travel expenses. For London (inside M25) I do not charge travel expenses.
Additional screening options
Mandatory Tomatis® TEQ screening questionnaire for ALL ages. Request here
The TEQ is a comprehensive questionnaire designed to assess a client’s suitability for the Tomatis® Method of auditory stimulation. Responses are used, with other considerations, to generate a unique Tomatis® listening programme catering to individual needs.
PLUS Initial information gathering (all ages) via WhatsApp, email or optional telephone call.
The following formal assessments are optional but they may be recommended to fine tune the screening process. Options are as follows:
(1) Motor Sensory Integration (MSI). Retained primitive reflexes. Cognitive (Educational) skills. Sound and vision.
Remote option possible. Includes written report. 2 hours. £240
(2) Tomatis® Listening Test for ages 6 years+ & recommended for most adults. In person only. 1 hour. £60
Please note for MSI assessment option: You will receive a written report as a PDF via email with an easy to follow plan for motor sensory integration (MSI).
A tailored pack of resources to support your listening is provided FREE of charge for ALL new clients.
Repeat Tomatis® TEQ screening questionnaire for ALL ages. FREE
Tomatis® Listening Test review. In person only. 1 hour. £60
Further consultations cost £60. Price per hour.
If you are not ready to start a sound and listening therapy programme, there are options for screening services and professional support.
See here for formal individualised assessment (including the Tomatis® Listening Test). If you are considering an assessment for you or someone you know, please contact to arrange a suitable date and location.