Sound learning

Additional screening

Building on many years of experience working in schools (early years, primary, primary/secondary Deaf education) as a qualified professional, The Sound Teacher provides formal assessment and targeted support as a stand alone option, or to compliment your listening therapy programme.

Diagnostic assessment cognitive_small.png

Developmental screening.

  • Balance and control: Proprioception, core strength, bilateral integration, motor skills and sound (rhythm and oral/aural).

  • Primitive reflexes: Moro reflex, ATNR, TLR, STNR and more.

  • Eyes: Vision-based learning symptoms assessment, Tansley test, visual tracking.

The Sound Teacher will suggest a programme of targeted daily movements/exercises for you or your child, to commence following the first 14 days listening intensive.

The Sound Teacher will suggest a programme of targeted daily movements/exercises for you or your child. This can be started straight away, or following a 14 days listening intensive.

A listening test (for ages 6+) is recommended if listening distortions or acute listening sensitivity is suspected.

Listening distortions are strongly linked to the developmental areas listed above and also correlate to retained primitive reflexes: Moro reflex, ATNR, TLR, STNR and more.

Formal assessment screening typically takes 2-2.5 hours. If a Tomatis® Listening Test (TLT®) is recommended it needs to be done in person.

Cost: £240

With Tomatis® Listening Test: £300

With a formal assessment you will receive: a full written report as a PDF via email, an easy to follow plan for motor sensory integration (MSI), a tailored pack of resources to support your therapy work.

Building sound foundations for learning and for life.


Back to school. Back to reality.


TalksUp® is a HIIT