The purr-fect kit 🐈
NEW Launched in Autumn 2024 the new generation BC Kit is quick, easy and comfortable to use and is ideal for working with sensitive individuals as a replacement for headphones: Young babies, sensory difficulties, those with hearing devices such as cochlear implants.
Suitable for use with ALL ages. Click here to find out more about Tomatis® technology, including bone conduction.
TIP The Tomatis® BC module
This can be placed at the waist over thin clothing to gently stimulate the spine, or directly at the site of physical trauma.
🐈 The Hospital Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve (Bain-de-Bretagne, France) uses a particularly efficient care assistant. Loulou, the cat, to help both patients and staff.
The following extract from describes the French hospital’s use of Ronron Therapy (ronron = purring in French).
Cat bars are all the rage in the city. Places where you can pet cats to relax after a day's work. Beyond the fashion effect, cats have been present in hospitals for several years already. They have one therapeutic role recognised by doctors.
Loulou came to strengthen the medical team. In the palliative care service, he can be seen in the cafeteria, in the corridors or in the rooms where he is in great demand.
🐈 Very low frequencies
"Cats have unsuspected powers," says Dr. Michèle Drieux, who is delighted by the arrival of this new colleague. Its purr emits vibrations at very low frequencies. According to Véronique Aïache, author of a book on the subject, La Ronron Therapy (edited by Guy Trédaniel), "It is a powerful anti stress, a regulator of blood pressure, a booster of immune defences and psychomotor support. He relaxes, reassures,” confirms Dr. Drieux. “It's a funny presence in the rooms, it brings life."
🐈 Camden’s first 'therapy cat' captures hearts across London
Quita making friends with Adebayo, who has cerebral palsy, outside Buckingham Palace. Bob Padron @quitathekitty, Instagram. See the full story here.
🐈 Tomatis® Bone Conduction - The purr-fect kit
Maladaptive behaviours (mal = to be/to feel ‘ill’ or ‘ill at ease’ in French) can start after a major life change, illness, or traumatic event. It could also be a habit you picked up at an early age. Maladaptive behaviours can stop you from adapting to new or difficult circumstances.
Sarah Schoenbaum (Tomatis® Consultant, New York, USA) recently shared her experiences with the Tomatis® Professionals Worldwide group:
I had knee surgery where they had to drill a hole in the femur to reattach the meniscus (cartilage). My knee is improving but there was tension where they drilled into the bone. Physical Therapy was not helping. So I tried the Tomatis® Bone Conduction Kit for 10 minutes. After one session it felt much better. I will continue to use it.
The Tomatis® BC portable modules emit vibrations at very low frequencies so the effect is similar to that of a cat’s purr.
🐈 Release to relieve
Bone conduction gently vibrates the bone to release trauma. A traumatised area of the body can remain “in freeze” and there can be poor proprioception (the body's ability to sense movement, action, and location). With the release of trauma, areas of the body can motor plan better with less maladaptive movements.
Tomatis® Bone Conduction Kit…
…the gentle way to experience the Tomatis® effect.