Let’s Talk
Speaking is simple, right? Illness, infections, trauma, physical damage, the nervous system, social or emotional state, living conditions, posture, muscle tone and even willingness…you need to overcome these factors in order to produce speech. Think about yourself or anyone you know who struggles. Speaking is no easy task!
How we speak
1. Perception of the acoustic (sound) signal by the cochlea (inner ear).
2. Transmission of this signal and its characteristics to the brain (auditory nerve).
3. Comparison between what has been produced and what was expected.
4. Positioning of the phonatory organs and articulation muscles in order to make necessary corrections to tone and voice.
The cochlea analyses sound.
Issues with a person’s transmission or processing of sound will influence the signal.
Phonatory Organs
Speech is compromised if there is a problem anywhere in this system or with the associated muscles.
Image source: Institute for Vocal Advancement
Do you or someone you know struggle with speech? Fluency, vocal volume, clarity or even lack of speech (mutism, ASD, anxiety).
It’s not as simple as ‘just talk’.